

Snow is beautiful when it's clean and untouched by the salt and dirt of the roads. The sun came out yesterday and warmed my heart but alas it's gone today hiding behind a white curtain of more snow flakes. Today is girl's day at work! WhOo HoO! We are going to do a really cute DIY I found on Style Crush. Amy has the cutest things over there.

Here is a little poem I wrote for class (still not so sure if I like it{it the poetry}) The task was to take 3 cliches and refresh them.. THEN use them in a poem about love. So here you go...

  1. 1. Green eyed monster -- Yellow eyed ogre
  2. 2. One man's garbage is another man's treasure -- One man’s rag is another man’s blanket
  3. 3. I’ll scratch your back and you scratch mine -- I’ll tie your shoe, and you tie mine

The Age Old Question

“What is love anyways?”

‘It’s whatever feels right to me’

“Is it, I’ll tie your shoe, and you tie mine?”

‘It’s a yellow eyed ogre and death sentence to be’

“I just don’t see… Is it one man’s rag another man’s blanket?”

It’s not about looks, or jealousy.

Love isn’t what you get, it’s being kind thee

It’s not I’ll tie your shoe, you tie mine

Love happens at very awkward times

It’s not to be planned for

Love is an open door.

Have a blessed and wonderful day!

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